Original recipe for herring under the rut! This is just some kind of miracle, and all your guests will probably be remembered. The main thing is not afraid to experiment, because cooking it is not at all difficult, and the result will be amazed, believe me. Unfortunately, I did not find a video receptor on this subject, but there is a colorful photo recovery on this topic.
Festive dishes:
Boiled beets- 2pcs, boiled carrots (one large or pair of medium), boiled potatoes- 2pcs, cream cheese- 100g, mayonnaise- 150g, herring herbal herd- 1 large, 5gr- 5gr.
Method of preparation:
We spread a food film on the table, it will serve us as the basis for the preparation of a roll.
1. We soak gelatin in a quarter of a glass of cold water, let it swell, then completely dissolve it in a water bath – do not boil.
2. Cool and mix with mayonnaise, while rubbing the beets on a shallow grater.
3. We also rub the carrots on a fine grater, but the potatoes are on a large.
4. Cut herring into slices (remove the seeds and cut across plastics).
5. Mix the beets with 3-4 tablespoons of gelatin mixture with mayonnaise and spread on a film in a layer in the form of a rectangle.
6. We spread each layer less in area than the previous
7. The next layer of potatoes in which we also report a mixture of gelatin and mayonnaise-2-3st. l.
Next, the carrot layer on which we spread the herring fillet in the middle. Gently raise both sides of the film and turn off, giving a uniform shape to our rolls if possible. Ready to roll the roll into foil and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
The salad is ready! Bon appetit!