Movement in a modern car in a city or outside the village is inevitably related to the probability of road accidents. Since the number of participants in the movement is growing steadily, the number of accidents increases every year. It is possible to reduce injuries and mortality as a result of transport accidents with warning measures and compliance with simple rules by all road users.
Basic rules that increase the safety of traffic on a car are contained in the collection of traffic rules. Extensive experience accumulated during the operation of vehicles, and the application of logical methods for solving problems, made it possible to develop the principles of movement of cars with a minimum risk of traffic accidents. But non -compliance with the rules of the road increases the likelihood of an accident several times, and under the threat is not only the violator, but also other road users. As a result, we have broken cars, restoration of geometry on any foreign cars, high indicators of injuries and mortality. Road safety is not a personal matter of everyone, this is a public business.
The most private violation is the exceeding the speed limit. The driver enthusiastically riding often forgets that he presses the gas pedal. Beautiful landscapes fly by, you need to constantly monitor the road, and the speed, meanwhile, exceeded the allowed for several tens of kilometers per hour. With increasing speed, the braking distance increases, the time for the adoption of actions to prevent a traffic accident is reduced. Therefore, compliance with the speed limit is one of the bailiffs of safe driving. In addition, it is necessary to use all the organs of the car intended for safe maneuvering: rear -view mirrors, turn signals. Another assistant that can help prevent an accident is a sound signal.