Children’s arena is a place of active activity of your baby, which must be not only convenient, but also as safe as possible. Choose a square, round or rectangular arena – you decide, as it is envious only from your preferences. It is important to carefully examine all the fasteners and places of connection of parts before buying the arena. Fasteners, bolts, rivets and other connecting elements should be hidden under the bearing of the arena, or be hidden under special nozzles.
If the arena is equipped with wheels to move it, they must be blocked. The bottom of the arena and handrails should be made of soft materials. It is necessary to choose the playground with fixing mechanisms in order to prevent its arbitrary folding. Such things should be as reliable as possible.
Given the curiosity and habit of children at a small age to taste everything, the playpen should not be painted or varnished.
Modern arena is made of fabric, raincoats or oilcloths. The most severe manage is from fabric, since it will be very difficult to remove the spots from it. In turn, the oilcloth refers to the most unsafe material of a children’s arena. If the child decides to taste it, small pieces of the exfolved film will fall into his nose or mouth. Children’s arena from raincoat is the most convenient and safe option.
When choosing an arena from the grid, it is necessary to carefully inspect it so that the grid does not sag. The mesh cells should be small so that even a finger does not pass in them. If there are rods as the walls on the arena, then the disposal between them should be such that the child freely place the handle or leg there, but so that the head between the rods does not stretch.
As for the color of the arena, the most preferable are calm pastel colors. Bright colors will create a strong load on the eyes of the child.