Almost all young children love to draw, for this parents buy them colored pencils, watercolor paints, crayons and, of course, children’s felt -tip pens. It is very convenient to draw with felt -tip pens, their color on paper is bright and clear, they do not need to sharpen them like pencils, they do not crumble like crayons and do not require additional devices, like watercolor paints.
Before you buy felt -tip pens, be sure to read everything that is written on the package. Flomasters are not recommended for children under three years old, since they contain small objects, for example, a cap. The cap does not allow the felt -tip pen to dry out, it is desirable that it be large and ventilated. The capable holes of the cap must comply with the BS 7272/90 standard and pass at least 8 liters of air per minute. These indicators are very important, because if the child accidentally swallows such a cap and he gets stuck in the respiratory tract, then the baby will be able to breathe while they will provide first aid.
The next part that needs to be paid attention to when choosing felt -tip pens is a plug. The plug of children’s felt-tip pens must comply with the NFS 51-205 standard, it should be welded to the felt-tip pen body and not be defended from it. Only such a plug will ensure the safety of the child during drawing and will not allow him to make out the felt -tip pen and try his filler to taste.
And the last thing to take into account when choosing felt -tip pens for the child is the ink core itself. Firstly, it should be safe for the child, secondly, it should not have a sharp specific smell, thirdly, it should be made on a water-based, and not for alcohol and fifth, it is desirable that in its manufacture Food dyes were used.
Given all of the above requirements, you can purchase really safe felt -tip pens for the child.