It seems that the system has changed recently, and life has become more comfortable, but the problems that excite human minds are still not resolved to the end. And they will not. In the near future so for sure. Yes, and you, too, until you understand who you are and what to expect from life. Gain courage and finally ask yourself the question: “I am 30 years old, damn it why I’m still a waiter?»From what moment did you let your life itself?
It’s insanely insulting to see academicians or just able to think people by sellers of underwear. Where is the ceiling, where is the limit of human ambitions? Maybe a seller at a gas station is a dream of a whole life? It is unlikely ..
In this case, let’s figure out what exactly went on the plan.
The first reason. The simplest. Fate-prisoner.
The easiest way to shove all responsibility for actions for the insidious higher forces, who have nothing to do, except to build intrigues to beginner “conquerors of the world” in the form of your modest person.
The second is the second. Legal. Yes! “Dumb” laws that are far from life realities are to blame for everything. It is impossible to succeed in the “country of idiots”. You can’t live with such orders! By the way, all these “power have” live for my money!
Reason is the third. Encouraging. “Good people” or “someone will help”.I had friends, they will arrange me to work. Parents will not be able to refuse, they have good business. Well, or will I get married successfully!
(By the way, this is one of the biggest misconceptions, also called the “connection” that we inherited from the Soviet Union). Someone will be able to show me people in Europe or America guided by such rules? In countries where young people are counting on their capabilities, from the age of 15 they carry mail or prepares pizza. Where the princes serve in the army, and the children of the deputies hide their names and ride bicycles.
The reason is fourth. True. Surely attentive readers will notice the huge similarity of the first three reasons, and it is in it that the whole “salt”. In each of them, all decisions are made for us, we avoid them, we do not want to be responsible for them, and transfer everything to someone. But you only need to blame yourself for yourself. We, and no one for us, the creators of our own fate!
So if you see that life does not develop, you are not leaving the feeling of “not your plate” – take control of the situation and start acting! You look, and after a month instead of sailing with the flow, you will confidently walk up the career ladder! Only with dignity to withstand the problem and having come to the goal, you will probably understand that they are happy, and life is not in vain!