According to statistics, more than 10% of borrowers are not able to pay loans to banks. In such a situation, the bank usually performs actions that are aimed at removing and selling a car if it served as a pledge. Special bank services can go in two ways: either the sale of a car with agencies or through a court. The first option without fail implies the presence of a mutual agreement between the bank and the client, in other words, the client gives a written agreement to sell his own car. The second option is the sale of a confiscated car with a bank on the basis of a court decision with connecting to the bailiff process. Do not say that none of the options bears benefits for the bank client.
This is due to the fact that if the car is sold through the agency, then it will be sold at the lowest price, since the bank needs to return only its own funds, taking into account already paid contributions. In this regard, the cost of the car will be reduced with the aim of an imminent sale as possible. If the confiscation of the car occurs through the trial, then the situation is disadvantageous for both sides. The cost of selling bailiffs is not interested in the high price of the sale of a car, so even after the loss of a car, the client may remain a bank. In addition, the bank itself remains in the layout. When selling confiscated property, it is necessary to solve a huge number of bureaucratic problems, pay VAT and commission. As a result, the bank can get a maximum of fifty percent of the cost of the car. Based on the above, the best decision for the bank was the sale of a vehicle by mutual agreement between the client and the bank. The advantages of this option are obvious: the credit history will remain in order, and an adequate amount will be received for the car itself. Regarding the court – there is no chance and benefit for the client.