Pregnancy is the happiest time for women. Future mothers are carefully preparing for the birth of the baby: they buy books, add interesting forums and sites to bookmarks, are slowly preparing a children’s room.
But when pregnancy and childbirth passes, pregnant women accompany anxieties, because many girlfriends who have already become mothers are constantly saying that the lifestyle after the birth of a child changes a lot.
Of course, after replenishing the family, the time for current affairs remains less, but not so much as to abandon their habits and rest. You just need to learn how to plan your day a little differently.
At first it will seem that everything is spinning around a newborn baby and household chores. It is not at all noticed how the day is sprouted. In the morning we got up, played with the baby, fed him, went around the house, fed again, played, looked out the window, and it was already dark on the street. Something to do for yourself or to do your favorite thing did not have the opportunity. Such a daily routine has many mothers, and it is even difficult for them to remember what they did all day.
In order for such a routine does not drag out more and more, you should learn to distribute your tasks so that you can do several things at the same time. For example, you can have time to watch your favorite television series, while the child is laid to sleep, dinner is preparing in the oven, and things are erased in the washing machine.
You should not refuse to visit and for walks because of the child, you can and should be taken with you. There is nothing complicated in this. For the baby, a walk looks like a big journey, he is interested and informative to be in different places and communicate with people.