Dough: 50 gr. sour cream, 1stakan sugar, 100 g. oils, 250 gr. honey 1 teaspoon soda. 400 gr. flour. All products should be measured before cooking, at room temperature oil and exposed at the stove in the access zone))). Cream: 0, 5 l. Home sour cream, + custard cream: 0, 5l of milk
2/3 or 1/2 cup sugar
1 cup of flour
Preparation: Pour sugar into a pan, put sour cream. We begin to beat. Beat until the sugar dissolves, then, without stopping whipping, put honey, after the dissolution of honey is oil, then soda. Beat two minutes for another two minutes, we put the mixer to the side and begin to move our mass vigorously with a wooden spatula, scraping along the bottom – it will still burn, do not be upset. The mass will begin to increase in volume – it should be – this is a soda with honey reacts. Когда мелких коричневых клочков пригорающего теста будет столько, что масса поменяет цвет на рыжеватый, снимаем хозяйство с огня, берем опять миксер, всыпаем всю муку и перемешиваем. There will be a consistency of the gastyuchny is mentally mentioned. Then we cover the pan with a lid, and put it in the bed under the pillow and also cover it with a blanket. Until the morning)). In the morning we take out the thickened dough, divide into 6 equal parts, roll out each piece into a thin cake, you can do on a foil sprinkled with flour and bake on the foil. The frying pan, we warm up a slightly larger diameter in the oven 220 degrees and put the rolled cake on it right on the foil on it. Baked (bakes quickly, you need to remove it when it is still soft), cut off with a lid of a suitable size – the trim will go to the crumbs. Cream. Prepare custard: dilute flour in half milk. Put the remaining milk on fire, add sugar when it boils pour flour with milk (better through a strainer), bring to a boil.
Completely cool – night in the refrigerator – there is also sour cream there. In the morning, after cooling the baked cakes, we pour sour cream into our cream and beat for about 5 minutes – do not miss the moment when the sour cream is collected to fight off in the oil – to have time to stop – before that.)). All. We smear each cake densely with cream, fold one on the other, smear the sides and the top with the remaining cream and leave for an hour in heat, and then for three hours in the refrigerator. Then we correct, if unevenly, and sprinkle with crumbs.