So it’s time to get acquainted with the classical recipes of New Year’s salads.
Herring under a fur coat is one of my most favorite salads and now, I will share a recipe with you today, which is not changing already … mmm … A couple of generations are definitely in our family.
For salad we need – potatoes, carrots, beets, eggs, herring, onions, mayonnaise.
Preparation: We take a whole herring (this is necessary, or from a can, or barrel, but in no case do not fillet in oil) clean the herring, remove the pulp from the ridge and remove the ribs and small bones, then cut 1cm in size in size in size in size.
Herring can be postponed aside. While they were engaged in us, eggs, potatoes and carrots, by the way, were already boiling with us. We boil eggs, potatoes and carrots in a fur coat and can be together, but beets are better separately.
Next, take a large plate with a flat bottom and lay out the ingredients in the following priority:
1 layer – rub the potatoes on a grater with a layer of about 1 cm and smear with mayonnaise.
2 layer-herring, one plate goes on average-1-1, 5 medium-sized fish, + again pour mayonnaise on top.
3 layer – finely chopped onions, which, as I already advised in the previous recipe, need to be washed after cutting with running water – this will become softer in taste and without strong bitterness.
4 layer – rub the eggs with a layer of about 0, 5cm and fill again with mayonnaise, with a thin such layer.
5 layer – grated carrots, as well as a layer of 0, 5cm. If the layer is larger, then the salad can turn out to be sweet
6 layer – beets about 1 cm thick. Next, we water this layer with mayonnaise and well spread throughout the resulting salad.
We decorate with finely chopped green onions, or even roses made of carrots and beets.
Bon appetit!