To breathe in smoke, just dilute the bonfire, set fire to the house, or on a hot summer day, find yourself in the central strip of Russia. Like all good, could not pass through the body without a trace. About how to reduce the negative consequences of one of the results of the worthlessness of Russian officials, we talked with the head physician of the City Resort Clinic Sergey Vinogradov.
“The day in the smoky city can be compared with five packs of smoked cigarettes or ten cigars,” the expert says. – This is not surprising if we consider that on some days the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air of Moscow was exceeded tenfold “. But there is no reason for panic: a short -term stay in the can of strong danger does not carry (if you do not have allergies to impurities of smoke or heart problems), but it will not hurt to help the body recover after its effects. Basically, the harmful effects of the smog, according to our consultant, are reflected on the respiratory and nervous systems, eyes and immunity.
Respiratory system
“Since most of the smoke is filtered, it is in them that soot settles,” concludes Sergey Vinogradov. Of course, the skin is also involved in the process of breathing, but those who washed and continue to do this, no threaten the skin. If your hand does not reach not only to the back, but also to the lungs, our consultant recommends cleansing them inhalation. If you are too lazy to go to the pharmacy for a home inhaler, make it yourself according to a well -known method. “Perhaps it is old as the world, but for independent detoxification is the most effective, if not the only one at all,” the doctor is sure.
Take hot as you can endure, a bath. This is excellent preparation before inhalation: the pores will be revealed and, along with then, harmful substances will begin to come out of the body.
Boil water in the kettle.
Its flying into a pan (of course, you can boil immediately in a pan, but it will be longer).
Drops in water 2-4 drops of eucalyptus oil for the antiseptic effect.
Cover your head with a towel and breathe a ferry until the water cools down.
“If you started coughing during inhalation, this is a good sign,” the doctor shares his perception. – Your bronchi opened, and the lungs are effectively cleaned “. The course of cleaning on average is 8-10 inhalations with an interval of 1-2 days.
“Basically, they suffer precisely during the presence of smoke. Many people have conjunctivitis, expressed by itching and redness, ”the doctor says and recommends to carry a drop of“ artificial tear ”on such days. They are so safe that you can bury them several times a day, and you will feel the effect of purification instantly. If you could pass, but your eyes – no, apply bags of brewed tea to them. “Fifteen minutes, better green, since his tannins and antioxidants are more active,” the expert winks.
“Summer was a serious blow to immunity. And to restore it in anticipation of the winter of multivitamin complexes (although they are necessary) is clearly not enough, ”the consultant concludes. Get ready for winter using a contrast shower. Do not think that we will seriously believe that you will decide on this, but if you suddenly be bolder than us, then two months later such pouring gradually switch from a contrast shower to cold. “This strengthens the vessels, normalizes blood circulation and perfectly stimulates the heart muscle,” the expert says. – Well, do not forget that autumn is the time of naturally ripened fruits and vegetables. So lean on them to make up for reserves of vitamins and minerals. The fact that vitamins in tablets completely replace the obtained naturally, scientists have not proved “. Well, if in your office you have not yet begun to take money for water, drink it as much as possible to make the kidneys clean all the dirt, which the lungs at one time could not clean and let it go into the bloodstream.
Nervous system
“The lack of sunlight and increased concentrations of carbon dioxide provoke depression even in people who are not inclined to them,” the expert says, noting that it is possible to get out of such depression for quite some time, up to several months. The doctor does not advise running after antidepressants. First, try this:
Analyze what is happening and admit to yourself that you have not just a bad mood, but depression. This can be understood based on the fact that you have a bad mood for more than 3-5 days in a row.
Try to change the situation. And more than once, but a few in a row: ask on a business trip, live with a friend (if you live with a friend, then ask the shelter from another), go to a new bar and try another beer variety. However, whiskey, rum or vodka are better: according to many narcologists, beer, due to the high concentration of hops products, only aggravates depression.
Take a shower more often: water flows have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping it put herself in order. It is better if you go to the salon in a special shower (Swiss or Vichy), stimulating the work of the nervous system.
“And remember that if after home detoxification you continue to feel uncomfortable, then you need to see a doctor. Perhaps your body is too much poisoned or the matter is not at all able, ”says Sergey Vinogradov.