According to the prevailing tradition, the New Year’s table does not do without a few salads. Each housewife tries to please guests and households with diversity and please any original recipes. Who has not tried to cook, be sure to try this salad.
Ingridants for the basis:
Chicken breasts – 4pcs, 6 eggs, 1 bundle of green salad, white bread (or ready -made crackers from it).
Ingridants for refueling:
sour cream-1 cup, olive oil-100 ml, garlic-1-2 cloves, 50g of anchovies, Parmesan cheese-70g, twigs of green or dried stage-4pcs, salt, ground pepper and Tabasco sauce to taste.
Preparation actually
Cook the eggs screwed and at the same time beat with a mixer sour cream with garlic, grated cheese, estrogon, Tabasco sauce (a few drops) and most of the anchovies.
Salad leaves are large
Rate, put in a deep plate and put in the refrigerator.
We cut bread in large cubes of 2-2, 5cm. We cut chicken breasts with stripes and sprinkle with spices, then fry in olive oil until golden crust appears.
In the remaining oil, fry the bread, too, until golden crust. Sprinkle chicken and crackers with salad and season with the sauce. Cut the eggs with slices into 4 parts and add them to the salad along with the remaining anchovies and grated raw parmesan. Mix and serve to the table.
Here is a simple recipe for spring salad to the New Year’s table. Rinse one fresh cucumber and rub on a coarse grater, previously fabled eggs (4pcs) and finished crab sticks (1 package) also pass through a coarse grater. Hard cheese following them. We knead 1 Bank of Syrah in conservatives with a fork and remove excess bones. Chop finely onion and dill.
We put the salad in layers in the same sequence as we cook, decorate with radish and dill.