Developing toys are necessary for every child. The best choice for the development of motor skills and imagination are sets for creativity. They like children and are very useful for their formation.
Parents can choose:
Sets for the creation of herbariums;
Special sand for drawing;
Color cardboard;
A special sculpting dough;
Finger theater;
Felt -tip pens;
Ball plasticine and others.
Where sets are used for creativity
Creativity sets are widely used in various methods for the development of children. For example, modern lessons on the Montesori system make it possible for the child to develop creatively, knowing the world. This method is used in kindergartens specializing in the effective teaching of children.
Also, similar techniques are used in special children’s educational centers, the so-called mini-sites. The child spends there for several hours, for which he communicates with professional teachers, peers and learns a lot of new.
Having bought a set for creativity for home training, many parents save time and money on the effective teaching of children, doing them on their own. You can engage in applied creativity from two and a half years.
Since children are often distracted at this time, experts recommend conducting classes for twenty minutes with a fifteen -minute break. As a change in activities for relaxation, they advise playing in interesting games of a developing nature. Learn with your child a couple of poems and show the main characters and actions that take place in rhymes, as you imagine it.