The first of September for a child is a solemn moment. Schoolchildren are happy to meet friends in the class after summer holidays, celebrate the new academic year and promise themselves to their parents to collect only five and four in the diary. It would seem that recently you bought children’s carpets for the early development of your child, and it is time to purchase textbooks to school.
But the very next day, homework and prohibitions begin, and not all marks delight parents. And the child is no longer eager for school, where demanding teachers await him and delayed homework execution.
How to help parents to a child in this problem?
Awle interest.
Any child loves to know everything new and interesting. In principle, classes at school exist to satisfy this interest, but often the effect is the opposite. Assignments obligated to execute become gray and dull.
It is necessary to prove to the child that learning new is not boring at all. “Learn” with him that the Earth has the shape of a ball, and does not hold its turtle at all. Surprise the simplest. It can be ordinary for you, but the child learned about it only now.
Not to scold.
Of course, the Troika is not a reason for joy. But if you want to achieve the effect, it will be more correct to rejoice in good estimates than to arrange scandals due to bad. Even one “four” in a week may be an occasion for an entire event (“fine! You start to succeed!”). In this case, it should not be said that he is finally taking up the mind.
The child in elementary grades still believes parents. And if they tell him that he is doing the right thing, then he knows that mom and dad are satisfied with him. If his parents constantly call him with an obtuse and nonsense, then he believes and is tormented, gradually rolling from the “Tricks” to “Two”.