In provincial districts, residents constantly need wood – to build up their plots, repair wooden houses. To carry out the repairs of the rotten crowns of the houses, a certain number of logs will be required, which can be prepared and independently on absolutely legal grounds.
In order to do this, you will need to write a statement to the administration and get an appropriate order – the time will take about a month. In addition, the governing body can verify whether the declared number of logs coincides with the valid, and this, of course, entails additional bureaucratic inconvenience.
The allocation of logs according to such an application can be carried out in the lands where deforestation is already planned, often these are very remote areas. To deliver logs to a place, the appropriate equipment, the presence of a forester, the lumberjack services will be required. Forester will need to be delivered to the place of work by personal transport.
It turns out that with red tape and bureaucracy accompanying each step, remove the stump, cut down wood for many it is easier with illegal ways. Village residents simply lie on trees on the outskirts of villages or villages – in low -level places. If the forester is from local residents, he can simply close his eyes to such actions from fear of falling in disgrace to fellow villagers. Also, residents, for their part, “thank” a good forester for help.
Residents of nearby cities agree with the forester in the same way. It is useless to find out for what reason such actions are performed-most likely, due to the decline state of forestry, a small salary of workers of this sphere. Therefore, for the state belonging to the state, it is considered “optional”.