Very often you can hear the opinion that lightning does not fall into the same place twice. In fact, it is proved that this opinion has no reason. And one lightning strike is sometimes enough to completely destroy some building.
Due to these reasons, before each owner after the construction of his house is completed, the question arises of protecting his home from the consequences of a thunderstorm. In the recent past, the so -called thunderways were universally used for these purposes. In fact, these thunderbones were long pins with grounding. This was limited to the whole structure. Now it is proved that it is impossible to approach the solution of this problem so primitive and each individual building requires an individual approach.
Lightning protection
Alef EM is engaged in making a lightning protection project, guided by the criteria of each building. The company manufactures lightning protection systems, and also installs them not only on residential buildings, but also on industrial facilities. A distinctive feature of this company is that here you will be offered protection from a variety of damaging factors.
The most common factors include:
direct hit of lightning into the object;
secondary reflection of the discharge at the object;
overstrain from due to thunderstorm.
All these problems will not be terrible for your home if you choose the company Alef EM. And in order to make it easier for you to decide on the choice, on the company’s website you are invited to make independent calculations. With the help of this innovation, you can learn in advance about how much the lightning protection of your home will cost.
Installation of lightning protection can be carried out both on ready -made buildings and for those objects that have not yet been commissioned. If you have a choice and your home is not yet completed, then it is best to contact the company to create your individual project without waiting for the completion of construction. And of course, the installation of lightning protection of your home should not trust amateurs. Otherwise, you risk not only your home, but also the safety of your family and friends. And remember that the cost of any lightning protection system will cost you much cheaper than restoration of the house after lightning getting. With Alef EM you can once and for all protect yourself from such troubles and sleep calmly.