Your baby is still preparing to be born, and you have already worried about where he will sleep? Since newborns in their free time are busy with an important thing – a dream in order to grow up healthy and gain strength, parents must choose the right crib. The choice of models and manufacturers is so wide that a young mother can even get confused. You can inspect Italian cribs and get acquainted with the choice of domestic models. And you need to pay attention to this.
The most important requirement for a crib of any type – it should be absolutely safe for the baby. That is, the material does not emit harmful substances into the air, does not have a smell, and when processing it was not used, chemical components that could harm the health of the baby. A tree remains the ideal material for the crib. Today, any online store for newborns offers models from different breeds. The main thing is that the material itself is not treated with harmful colors or varnishes.
The perfect crib does not have any sharp corners, and rods should be rounded. It’s good if the distance between the rods is not too frequent or too rare. The first option is dangerous in that the baby can stick a leg or pen and get stuck. But between too rare rods can get stuck heads.
Carefully inspect the bottom. So that the air could circulate freely, and the mattress is well ventilated, it should not be continuous. It is important that one of the walls of the crib will fall, then moving the crib close to her, mom will not have to get up to the baby at night. And be sure to specify whether the model you have chosen is lowered to the level below. After all, very soon the baby will begin to crawl, sit and get up, so, by lowering the crib to the lowest level, you can safely leave the baby in this peculiar arena.