When purchasing an apartment or other residential real estate, the paperwork should be approached as responsible as possible. It directly depends on this whether you will have housing or you will lose it. The transaction must be formed competently from a legal point of view.
Any purchase or sale of real estate should be accompanied by a contract of sale, which indicates all the necessary information for the transaction:
– conditions;
– transaction amount;
– Passport data of both parties.
At the same time does not play the role where you buy housing. It can be a residential complex of a suburban quarter reviews about which everyone is talking about for themselves. Here you can buy a townhouse or apartment, but in any case you need to draw up a contract of sale. To make sure that the contract is drawn up correctly, contact the notary office. It is the notary who will help to avoid the fact of fraud. He will check all the details of the parties, as well as the presence and correctness of all the necessary documents. It should be borne in mind that when applying for a transaction, the buyer will need to provide a civil passport and a marriage certificate if he is in it. Since in this case housing is acquired in equal shares. If the spouse wants to act as the owner alone, then a statement from the second spouse will definitely need that he agrees to the deal. Consent must be certified by a notary. In cases where real estate is acquired for borrowed money, subsidies or housing certificate, the number of necessary documents increases. Taking for an example, buying an apartment in a mortgage, you need to submit additional documents:
– loan agreement with the bank;
– mortgage;
– a certificate that you are not registered in a neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensary.
To make sure that the apartment is clean, one day before the transaction, request an extract from the Unified State Register. You will be presented with a document that will indicate who is specifically the owner of the apartment and in what order it is received. To get an extract, it is not necessary to inform the seller, just write a statement to the registration center.
Now, about the amount spent, which is necessary during the transaction:
– state duty for registration of sale. This amount is divided into all participants in the transaction;
– state duty for registration of ownership. You pay it yourself;
– Well, money for real estate itself. It is important if the transfer of money is carried out in cash, then it is necessary to receive a receipt from the seller, which indicates what amount is received, and for what. After the transaction is concluded, you must contact the registration chamber. There it will be necessary to submit all the documents and receipts on the payment of state duty (original and copy), plus a statement on the right of ownership of the apartment. In the registration chamber, you will be issued in your hands that a package of documents was received, indicating the day of receipt of the certificate of ownership and the registered contract of sale. Basically, this procedure takes about 2 weeks, if housing is purchased in a mortgage, then about a week. The apartment is transferred on the acceptance certificate, having signed which the contract comes into force.