One of the methods to increase your own productivity is to synchronize to plan your own time with planning the working time of the leader. But we are not talking about giving your boss a good book on time management. God forbid you to do this! And the advice is this:
You, as a good manager, must help your leader increase his personal effectiveness;
This will help you easier to control the time when you should do what the leader wants from you. You will also improve your ability to manage your own time.
What is a time management for a manager?
This is not only how the leader plans to use his time. In such strategies, the Time Management Time Strategies is also being understood that it is your leader who expects you from you. Thus, understanding this aspect, you can convince the leader that your time management strategies are realistic, understandable and coordinated. But for this it is necessary to understand that from you, as a manager, it is required.
The requirements that are put forward to managers can be classified as follows:
System requirements, requirements for subordinates, requirements that they make to themselves, as well as those that the leader present to them.
If the manager itself is not very organized and disciplined, then the third type of requirements may almost completely reduce to naught and bend the other requirements. The main place, of course, is occupied by the requirements of the authorities. They can be both straight (writing reports, visiting meetings, for example), and indirect.
If your manager does not have good time management skills, then you may constantly fall off such cares as constant and unnecessary meetings, urgent reports, etc. D. Such a leader, of course, negatively affects your personal effectiveness.
How to be in such a situation? It is necessary to adjust the process of managing the time of your leader. And for this, first of all, you need to think carefully and analyze his environment, requirements, needs.
After a short analysis, you will understand that your leader has many needs, and they, in turn, result in certain requirements for you, on which you spend enough time. These needs can be explicit (that is, obvious; they are easy to identify, they include such obvious ones as the requirements of the working routine, writing plans, etc. D., That is, those that are easy to predict, which means they can be learned to manage), as well as implicit (implicit; it is harder to understand and predict). When it comes to implicit needs, it must be understood that people sometimes do not even realize what exactly the needs of such a plan they have. If these needs are not entirely rational or exaggerated, then some of us do not want to admit to the last that they are led by them.
Often implicit needs can come out of hidden ambitions. Hence the requirements such as applications for more efforts in work and t. D. Also, such ultraces can lead to the indecision of the leader and his insufficient skills to concentrate on the main.
When the ability to concentrate on the main thing and allocates only the important is absent, this leads to long and unproductive meetings. The fact is that the very nature of implicit needs lies in their spontaneity or emotionality. Therefore, it is they who lead to conflicting requirements and unscheduled tasks.
Therefore, it is always necessary to work to analyze the motives that your boss guided by, you need to try to understand why this is how it acts. This is a critical analysis, which is one of the components of the management time for managers. This will help you increase your personal effectiveness.
Coordination of personal methods of time management together with the time management of your boss
There are several strategies for working with the needs of the leader. For example, explicit needs can be satisfied with the help of meetings with the leader at which you together formulate and highlight the priority of really important tasks. To increase your effectiveness and for established work, you must discuss and clearly distribute how exactly you will use your time. The coordination of such moments with your leader will facilitate many tasks for you.
Also for better work and increase productivity, in order to coordinate the time management of your leader and your personal, use these tips:
Get regularly with your leader. These meetings should be planned in advance, have a clear structure and nothing should distract you from discussing important cases.
ยท Be prudent. Try to predict the possible requirements of your leader in advance.
Always think through and offer options for solving problems. Just state the facts unproductive.
Offer your help.
Do not waste your precious time (and the time of a good manager costs a lot) on banal tasks.
Serve information as your leader loves. If he likes to read about the agenda before the meeting itself, provide him with such an opportunity.
Contact the leader for help in solving problems related to other requirements that are presented to you.
Clearly formulate tasks for yourself, place priorities, be prudent. This will improve your time planning skills.
Coordination of the time management time and your personal
A more serious problem arises when your leader has insufficient management skills. This can complicate your and so hard work. In this case, subordinates often suffer from unforeseen urgent tasks, the blockage of additional work, etc. D. In this case, not only your leader, but you will also work ineffectively.
One of the specific problems is the poor planning of meetings on which there is no clear time regulations, a discussion plan. Such meetings are ineffective both for you and for the enterprise and, accordingly, for your leader.
The solution to this problem consists, again, in your, first of all, an active position and a positive mood. Try to make the meetings be regular, prepare clear issues for discussing for them. Thus you will already have a structure. Discuss what will need to be done in the near future. Inform the boss about the problems and tasks that are facing the company. All this will allow you to achieve a better result, which means that more effective, both for yourself and for your leader.
Here are a number of tips what you can do and what you should avoid:
Communicate with the leader. Gently find out what exactly affects his time management style, from this you will understand that it is better to undertake.
Be positive and active. Make the leader understand that the effective time management will primarily give an advantage to him.
Constantly work on your own time management skills.
Do not take on all the work to which the leader appoints you to fulfill. Always discuss the rapture of such instructions.
Ask the leader to arrange the tasks that he gives you, according to priorities.
Always discuss those aspects of the work that may suffer if you take up the implementation of urgent orders that the boss gives you. He should know about the consequences.
When it gives you any task, say that you will study it and go again a little later. It is necessary to carefully analyze what exactly is required of you, whether someone else can complete this task. And then only go to the leader and discuss all the nuances.
These are general advice. For each individual case, you must choose what is best suited to you. Be that as it may, for the effective time of management, both you and your leader will have to work hard, but it is worth it.