Wedding paraphernalia: Agree, every girl from early childhood draws a beautiful wedding veil in her dreams. And what can we say about such things as wedding candles or chic bouquets of fresh flowers on tables! Therefore, these pleasant little things should be treated with due attention, because they will largely affect the overall atmosphere of the wedding celebration.
Without this drink, the wedding is simply unthinkable! The newlyweds will present him in the registry office, in addition, two bottles of this drink should stand next to them on the wedding table. It was these two bottles that had the honor of becoming a family relic. One newlyweds will be drunk on the first anniversary, and the second – after the birth of their first -born. Do not forget to take care of decorating bottles, but you can do this with the help of bows or miniature “front -line”, reminiscent of an outfit of the groom and groom.
Fata Fata is one of the oldest elements of wedding paraphernalia. This is a symbol of chastity and purity. Nowadays, this accessory of the bride may be needed if you intend not only to sign with your chosen one, but also to get married.
Wedding budonier
A flower in a buttonhole – this is a wedding bud. Previously, one flower was used, but today the budonier is a composition of flowers that can be supplemented with different trifles: beads, twigs, berries.
Wedding candles
This attribute is also an important and very pleasant addition for any celebration. The candle symbolizes your family hearth and throughout the wedding it should be on the table of the newlyweds.
Wedding gloves
When choosing them, take into account the length of the sleeves of the wedding dress, as well as the structure and color of the fabric. By the way, advice: mittens are convenient at the wedding (gloves “without fingers”). You do not have to shoot them when the groom in the registry office will wear a ring on your finger.
Wedding bonboner
Wedding bonbonnieres is such a pleasant sweet gift to guests from the newlyweds in gratitude for the fact that they visited the celebration. In them you can put sweets, figures from marzipan and chocolate and other sweets. As a rule, bonbonnieres are laid out in advance on tables for each guest.
Wedding glasses
This indispensable accessory should be taken care of in advance. They will come in handy at the registry office and at the on -site ceremony. Champagne, thundered from these Fuepers, will symbolize your sweet family life.
Wedding garter
This part of the bride’s wedding toilet appeared in our area relatively recently, but immediately gained great popularity. And he takes his beginning in the countries of Western Europe.
What is all the salt, so to speak? During the wedding banquet, the groom should take off the bride’s feet and throw it to his unmarried friends from this very bandage. According to legend, which of the guys will catch the garter, he will marry the next year. And buying a garter for the bride is not a problem. There are a great many in the salons, as they say, to taste and color ..
There are many different wedding accessories, listing them is not so easy. This is a wedding book, a wedding cake, and much other. Each couple chooses something close in spirit.
And what is the main thing here? Absolutely all attributes are designed to emphasize the solemnity of this moment, cheer up and create a festive atmosphere.