When purchasing bedding and clothes for the smallest children, you must first pay attention to the quality. For example, a lot of good reviews have collected children’s blankets from Ivanovo, so do not be too lazy to look at how people who already use it that they already use it to the purchase. It often happens that even the most expensive and at first glance good firms manufacturers have poor -quality things.
It is known that newborn children can buy only soft and made from natural fabrics, if the percentage of synthetics is contained there, then it should be minimal.
A blanket for a child must necessarily be a hypoallergenic stuffing, light, soft, without solid seams and stitches. It should not be too big. It is perfect to purchase a children’s blanket with a marking for newborns.
The pillow for a small child is purchased almost flat, and it is better to put the baby to sleep at first and at all without a pillow. Since at this age a high pillow threatens with curvature of the spine.
Try in the first six months of the life of the baby, avoid linen with all kinds of ties, frills and buttons. The ideal option would be hidden fasteners or without them at all.
As for clothes for newborns, no seams are unacceptable in it, or buy seamless clothes, or the one in which the seams are located outside and do not fit the baby’s body. Affective at first glance seams can very much damage the delicate children’s skin, which is used to being in water.
Any clothing at first for a child is already a lot of stress, so try to make it as softer and spacious, does not press and not pull it anywhere.