Of course, first of all, it depends on the age of the child and on the form in which classes are held. Because if this form is attractive to him, then it can do at least every day. Now it is generally accepted that the most important thing is to hire a personal coach, and this will immediately sharply move the child forward.
Moreover, the coach, preferably, must have high qualifications; It is best that he is a grandmaster. Perhaps the way it is. But I know that in a group children are more interesting, and at the same time they get less tired. Of course, the group should not be huge: not 40 people, but 8-10, there is a maximum of some competitive moment since it is interesting for children to compete with each other, and the coach can also simulate various game situations. There are a lot of possibilities, it all depends on the imagination of the teacher.
It seems to me that you should not get involved in individual classes, when a person has not yet matured, he has not felt a lot in chess, they have not yet entered it. At this moment, it is boring all the time to engage in one on one with a coach, with an adult. Again, all this is very individual, but such classes, as a rule, turn into ordinary lessons very quickly. It seems to me that it makes sense to combine them with classes in the group and playing in tournaments. And such a moment.
Why is the grandmaster engaged with a low level student? You have to be either very attached to the child, or the mentor simply leaves his hour and a half-how much they agreed with their parents there. Because there are no truly interesting problems-there are such positions when both the coach and the student can light up.
There are also a lot of disappointments here. I heard more than once: “You know, we did everything for him! Lord, I don’t even want to say how much we paid the coach!»No need to say this – I don’t want to know that. “And yesterday he says to me: Mom, let’s not go to class anymore! But before he wanted so much ..»I wanted, but crossed. We must respect the child and understand that this is his right: do not want to do chess anymore.
Yes, you spent a lot of money, but this is your child, you spent money on him – this is completely natural and, in general, he does not owe you at the same time. Such questions often ask. And I try to answer in such a way as to express sympathy for parents, but first of all – protect children. The child should be fenced from moral pressure, I no longer take extremes like a physical pressure … sometimes they object: here is n. his son (daughter) beat, and he became a famous grandmaster! But how to evaluate what moral injuries children received at the same time?
Maybe they would build their life in a completely different way. Everything in me will protest when I see a mother who beats a little girl. These are so outrageous scenes that I want to call the police and after all the child is punished not for committing an unacceptable act, hit someone or did something else that he did not find a good move in the party. Now imagine that we will put this mother at the table and make her solve the same chess problem. Когда у нее не получится, то отлупим как следует!.. We are almighty, we are adults, and the child cannot protect ourselves.
Rejoice that your son or daughter is engaged in worthy business, that they are in a decent company of enthusiastic people, and do not wipe their backs with their backs. They will acquire a lot of friends and acquaintances in the world of chess! For example, my former student Timur Khlylko comes to visit me, he is already forty years old. Reached the first category. Says: “I don’t know what I would do if it were not for chess”.
He was a little shalopai, and the company in the yard had the same. But the fact that for several years he went to the “stadium of young pioneers” kept him within a certain framework. I am completely convinced that Andrei Shchekachev was also saved from some rash chess acts because he wanted to become a grandmaster, and he achieved his.
In conclusion, my most important advice to parents who bring their child to the chess section: think less about whether a professional chess player will come out of him or will not work out, and take more care for a little person to get the joy of classes!
Author: Lyudmila Belawen