Before parents, at a certain stage in the development of the baby, the question of how to choose good walkers will be. It is difficult to do without them, because it is thanks to the walkers of the baby that he learns to take his first steps. But on which strokes to opt for? Which of them will become useful and will not harm?
Children’s walkers exist two types. In some, the baby can sit and, sorting through their legs move, and in others they push him. The former are more suitable for those children who have not yet learned how to move independently, and the second children’s walkers are somewhat similar to a trolley and can transform into a children’s three-haired bicycle and they are more suitable for those little ones who are already able to move, adhering to the support.
It is believed that children’s walkers are not an obligatory subject, and many of the specialists tend to believe that there are more harm from them than benefits. But if everything, you decided to purchase walkers, then pay attention to the points below.
Make sure the stability of the walkers. Choose a walker that needs to be pushed only if the baby has already learned to get up independently without the help of adults.
It is very convenient if the strokes have a special tray for toys. So the baby can play in the walkers and even eat.
If there are stairs in the house, it is better to protect them, since the baby does not yet realize the danger and negligence of the parents can turn into the fact that the baby in the walkers roll up the stairs and get injuries.
Before putting the baby in the walkers, make the room in which he will ride safe. Look carefully and make sure that all old protrusions have special protective headphones.
Try not to leave the baby in the walkers unattended. If the child’s ankle is getting tired, he sits down. And if for a long time the baby is left in the walkers, then there is a risk of damage to the ankles.