To raise a child is a joyful thing, but still quite troublesome. He constantly wants to eat, he has one or another, even small, he needs to be entertained, otherwise he will miss and cry. But the most frequent of what has to be done is to change his diapers or diapers, which are both disposable and reusable.
Many parents choose reusable diapers for several reasons. Someone for environmental considerations, most often these are people who do not want to pollute the environment. One of the children has very delicate skin, and the use of disposable diapers immediately causes them diaper.
Some parents prefer to abandon completely or partially from disposable diapers for financial reasons.
It turns out that reusable diapers there are several types, each of which has their own pros and cons of. One option is gauze diapers. They can be bought in a special store for kids or make a 45×45 gauze in size from a piece of gauze yourself, which must be folded in several layers and executed with a zigzag or overlock. The advantages of this species are accessibility and cheapness, and minus is poor fixation on the child and small moisture content.
Another type is a triangular fabric diaper. They are made by parents themselves from square diapers. Its plus is that nothing additional is needed for him to hold on to the baby. You can leave the child and in one diaper without fear that the child will lose him or stain everything around if. Its minus also lies in the fact that he easily gets wet. In general, using reusable diapers, you still have to follow whether it is time to change them. Relax as one with disposables will not work.